Tag: regional inequality

Briefing 61: Regional inequality in the UK is the worst in Western Europe

Briefing 61: Regional inequality in the UK is the worst in Western Europe

26 June 2015 The gap between the richest and poorest region in the UK, in terms of disposable income, is the widest in the EU

Briefing 56: the gap between the richest and poorest region in the UK is the biggest in Europe

Briefing 56: the gap between the richest and poorest region in the UK is the biggest in Europe

10 April 2015 The gap in GDP-per-head between inner London and West Wales and the Valleys or Cornwall is bigger than the gap between the richest and poorest region in any other EU country

Briefing 43: The poorest regions of the UK are the poorest in North West Europe

Briefing 43: The poorest regions of the UK are the poorest in North West Europe

22 August 2014 GDP per head in the poorest UK regions is lower than any region of France, Germany, Belgium, Holland, Luxembourg, Austria, Ireland, Sweden, Finland or Denmark

Briefing 43: The poorest regions of the UK are the poorest in North-West Europe

Briefing 43: The poorest regions of the UK are the poorest in North-West Europe

15 August 2014 Eight UK regions are poorer than anywhere in France, Germany, Holland, Belgium, Luxembourg, Austria, Denmark, Finland, Sweden or Ireland

Briefing 37: People in poor areas die younger

Briefing 37: People in poor areas die younger

4 July 2014 Life expectancy in rich areas is nearly a decade longer than in the poorest parts of the UK

Briefing 23: Housing is unaffordable for most people in normal jobs

Briefing 23: Housing is unaffordable for most people in normal jobs

20 March 2014 The housing costs for a rented one-bedroom flat in England's four biggest cities are now more than many skilled workers can afford

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